Are You Ready To Achieve the Business of Your Dreams?
Hi, I’m Shisha Dublin-Green, I’m a Business Accelerator Coach; and I’m here to help you make your business a ROARING success.
My professional career has been about serving people because I enjoy doing it. I haven’t always worked in an industry that I love, and it has taken me some time to find the vocation that brings me absolute joy and the journey has definitely not been straightforward!
I’ve been in business for over 10 years and lots of falling down, staying down for a bit, eventually getting up and going for it to get to this place. I’ve failed many times, most of which has been because of lack of knowledge or even applied knowledge – it’s one thing to know something, quite another to apply it!
My journey has been littered with lots of long hours, being in debt, being anxious all the time, tears, sadness, tiredness, disappointments and frustrations along the way. Being on the other side has been a long time coming, and I may not have appreciated it then, but it has taught me a lot about what it takes to be an entrepreneur and build a successful business.
My experience in the corporate world thought me many things including the importance of having business processes, ensuring there is a solid business model and structure, and that every business needs a system that’s repeatable.
In addition to being a coach, I also have a consulting and concierge business. I just love serving people and helping them get the best result either in their business, event and their lives!
My experience working with SMEs, my own entrepreneurial journey and working with clients has thought me that building a successful business is more than passion, enthusiasm, hard work or even business processes. These are all good but there are lots of other things, strategies that every entrepreneur needs to do to achieve their dream.
The question is, Are you Ready?