It starts in the MIND…
Many entrepreneurs feel trapped in their business. They feel like they’re doing all they can but yet things don’t seem to be working out.
After over 10 years of being a Business Coach and speaking to hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners, I’ve come to realise that success or failure starts first in the mind before it’s played out in reality.
Everything starts with your thought-life, how you’re thinking about your life, your circumstances and your business.
Because your thoughts lead to your feelings, your feelings lead to your actions, and your actions lead to your results.
I’ve met many entrepreneurs who really want to succeed, but their thoughts and feelings don’t match their desire; and so their actions take them the opposite direction of the success they want.
I’m definitely not judging because that was me sometime ago.
It took me doing serious soul-searching and investing in my personal development to realise that the success I said I wanted wasn’t matching up to the actions I was taking and the results I was getting even though I felt that I was working hard.
Whether it’s a subconscious fear of success, or imposter syndrome, there are times when we sabotage ourselves; like doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? That’s self-sabotage!
So as we enter a new week ask yourself, ‘is the action I’m taking giving me the results I want’?
If not, why not?